Monday 7 March 2011

RWB publishes new report: 'News media is a men's preserve that is dangerous for women'

To mark International Women’s Day, press freedom campaign group Reporters Without Borders is releasing a new report News Media: A Men’s Preserve That Is Dangerous For Women on the problems of women who work as journalists.

The report contains interviews with women journalists throughout the world and describes all the different problems they encounter, ranging from everyday discrimination to acts of violence.

Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Jean-François Julliard said: "The role of women in the media and the protection of women journalists are key issues for reinforcing media freedom and diversity of opinions. In some countries, women are excluded from the media but in others they have made significant progress. A great deal of effort is nonetheless needed to ensure real equality in a profession still largely dominated by men.

"The place of women in the media is still a reflection of their place in society. They often run greater risks than men and have to deal with a great deal of prejudice. Certain regions of the world need particular attention as regards the protection of women who work as journalists.”

RWB says more and more women have been joining the ranks of journalists in the past 20 years but they still tend to occupy the lowliest jobs within the profession, with executive and editorial positions usually continuing to be the preserve of men.

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